About the Department
The Metallurgical Raw Materials Development & Investment Promotion (MRMD&IP) Department is charged with the responsibility of the development, management, promotion, and strategic planning of metallurgical raw materials for the steel industry.
- Metallurgical Raw Materials Development
- Raw Materials Data
- Investment, Trade, and Promotion of Metallurgical Raw Materials
Roles & Responsibilities
- Sustainable development of mineral raw materials for metallurgical industry;
- Monitors the quality of refractories, foundries and metallurgical mineral raw materials input into production processes
- Ensures environmental protection matters in the aspect of Metallurgical raw materials development
- Promotion and advancing the concept of sustainable development of minerals and metals
- Maintenance of Facility and Plants
- Establishing a Metallurgical raw materials data bank
- Funding and carrying out research in connection with metals or anything derived therefrom and promoting activities
- Provision of specifications of raw materials input and advise operators via workshops on local sources capable of meeting their specification in fulfillment of the primary objectives of import substitution
- Sourcing for local raw materials for metallurgical plants and foundries
- Ensure that exclusive titles over minerals raw material occurrence/deposits are given to the exploration/mining agencies serving the integrated steel plants and foundries
- Supervise National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Kaduna, National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos and National Iron Ore Mining Company, Itapke
- Coordinating the activities of metal scraps agents outside the steel plants around the country; and
- Encourage investment in the Nigeria Free Trade Areas such as the export processing zones and promote rules that would protect international investment
Our Projects
- Advocacy for the development of metallurgical materials clusters in the country
- Development and maintenance of the Nation’s metallurgical databank.
- Implementation of government policy on local value chain addition of metallurgical raw materials.
- Identifying and development of SMEs in the metallurgical industry.
- Promotion of metallurgical raw materials.
- Facilitate metallurgical raw materials development i.e scrap metals
Divisions /Units
- Metallurgical Raw Materials Division
- Investment Promotion Division